
Please visit my Google Scholar profile for an updated list of publications.

  1. Herath, U., Singh, V., Bhat, S.S., Park, H. & Romero, A. H. Stability and diffusion of oxygen vacancies in LaNiO3: a DMFT study. arXiv preprint arXiv:2212.07348. doi: (2022).
  2. Lang, L., Herath, U., et. al. Expanding PyProcar for new features, maintainability, and reliability. Computer Physics Communications 109063 doi: (2024)
  3. Singh, S., Lang, L., Dovale-Farelo, V., Herath, U., Tavadze, P., Coudert, F.-X. & Romero, A. H. MechElastic: A Python Library for Analysis of Mechanical and Elastic Properties of Bulk and 2D Materials 2020. Computer Physics Communications 108068. doi: (2021)
  4. Herath, U., Tavadze, P., He, X., Bousquet, E., Singh, S., Muñoz, F. & Romero, A. H. PyProcar: A Python library for electronic structure pre/post-processing. Computer Physics Communications 251, 107080. doi: (2020).
  5. Singh, V., Herath, U., Wah, B., Liao, X., Romero, A. H. & Park, H. DMFTwDFT: An Open-Source Code Combining Dynamical Mean Field Theory with Various Density Functional Theory Packages. Computer Physics Communications, 107778. https://doi:10.1016/j.cpc.2020.107778 (Dec. 2020).
  6. Herath, A. & Herath, U. Developing an Expert System for Plant Pest Diagnosis. Annals of the Sri Lanka Department of Agriculture 15, 381 (2012).

In progress

  1. Bhat, S. S., Singh, V., Herath, U., Varughese, B., Sankaranarayanan, S. K. R. S., Park, H. & Romero, A. H. Dynamical correlations leading to site and orbital selective Mott insulator transition in hydrogen doped SmNiO3. Submitted to Physical Review Letters (2023).
  2. Biliroglu, M., Seyitliyev, D., Kotyrov, M., Abdelsamei, M., Qin, X., Findik, G., Alma, G. A., Herath, U., Lei, L., Chai, J., Mehta, Y., Swan, A., Temnov, V., Blum, V., So, F. & Gundogdu, K. Two-Step Phase Transition in Superfluorescence of Lead-Halide Perovskites. Submitted to Nature Photonics (2023).
  3. Herath, U., Singh, V., Wah, B., Park, H. & Romero, A. H. Investigating strongly correlated alloys via Dynamical Mean Field Theory.